TIPS FROM THE TOP | ינואר 2023


$title View the email in a web browser שלום רב: You are a hardworking business owner who is consistently stressed for time. You end each day reflecting on all those tasks and activities that you didn’t check off your tick list. Darn, you should have called that vendor to negotiate a better price. Zoiks, you […]

Business owners and CEOs stay relevant , else you might be replaced

A company is in a dangerous situation when it concentrates on production and neglects forward planning. This applies to business management and also to the leadership of the country The public in Israel is exhausted and in post-trauma. We have gone through too many election campaigns in recent years And the public discourse is more divided […]

What’s the difference? | Leadership vs. Management

leadership-vs-management What’sthe difference? There exists an ongoing debate in business circles regarding Leadership vs. Management. Putting semantics aside, we’ll cut to the core of which traits realistically help business owners get the best results from their team. As it relates to business owners and CEOs, the task is to lead people and the goal is to take advantage […]

About the Value Builder

How VB can transform your buisness המחקר נערך על ידי Value Builder System™, תוכנה פשוטה לבניית הערך של חברה, המשמשת אלפי עסקים ברחבי העולם.  הנתונים נאספו באמצעות שאלון בגודל מדגם של 9,765 משיבים, שזיהו את עצמם כבעלי עסקים.  התגובות חולקו לשני טווחי תאריכים: 15 ביוני 2019 – 15 במרץ 2020 (לפני COVID-19) ו-15 במרץ 2020 […]

Strategic planning

Strategic planning

Strategic planning made simple Figuring out what the future holds for your business can be hard. Many business owners end up making things up as they go along instead of defining a clear path forward. Instead, outlining a strategic plan forward can help guide businesses in a positive direction, in just four simple steps. First, […]



The Freedom Point: A Financial Planning Guide for Business Owners As business owners, you typically face two difficult choices: when to sell your business and at what price. Selling your business may seem far off into the future, but if exiting your business now would give you the financial resources to do whatever you want, it […]

ייעוץ עסקי לחברות – מה לא לעשות בשירות לקוחות

ייעוץ עסקי לחברות

להלן מבט על טעויות מפתח בשירות לקוחות ומה ניתן לעשות כדי להימנע מהן: אם יש לך ספק לגבי החשיבות של שירות לקוחות, פשוט תחשוב שוב על רכישה אישית שביצעת לאחרונה. אם הדברים התנהלו כשורה, יצאת מרוצה מחוויית העסקה ונפתחת לרעיון לעשות עסקים עם אותה חברה בעתיד. אם הדברים התנהלו בצורה גרועה והרגשתם בצורה לא נכונה […]

Debating between a Mentor, a Coach a Consultant?

Questions & Answers – all you need to know. You probably have heard, or read, perhaps even had your own experience. I wish to provide you with insights, tools, and paths you could scout to improve within your company. I especially love to accelerate and help businesses achieve the top of their game. I believe […]

How to think like a startup and behave like a company

10 דרכים מנהל הזמן טוב יותר

Introduction How to think like a startup and behave like a company The purpose of the Startup Your Business guide is to show you how to succeed. An accelerator is a company that helps startups build stable business infrastructure, in order to recruit investors, make an exit or generate sales. Your reality as an entrepreneur […]

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