Small Businesses Guidance
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When you have excellence in your business - it means that your business is in a profit!

Both the business and management worlds lie in the midst of challenging as well as confronting processes, in which managers and leaders find themselves stressed, tense, worn out and sometimes they even pay a heavy toll in their personal and professional lives.

Some of the management and leadership challenges, alongside life’s fast pace, access to large and easily accessible sources of information, globalization, international crises (Covid-19), as well as changes such as “the Instagram Generation” / “the Instant Generation” set a new bar for the demands of the business community, which requires innovation and adaptation to the new era.

Those have made the business environment extremely demanding.

Most managers and organizations are concerned with the question – “how to survive?”.

Matters such as losing high-quality workforce, significant increase in employees illnesses, new market competitors having a quick breakout and success, and the heavy toll on the home and family life have become serious matters.

As a result, the significance of these has become very clear: as long as the organization, company or business benefits from utilizing human potential, and as long as the managers and leaders are capable to develop and elevate their team spirit, loyalty and initiative, deepen their connections to the company values and their application among the members of the organization, to the extent that those members see themselves as partners, rather than just ordinary employees – the organization will be able to function at its best.

The purpose of the growth and training programs is to produce strong business organizations that thrive upon professionalism, excellence and gratification, and at the same time excel in producing high standard business activity along side with flexibility and adaptability to various circumstances.

Our uniqueness is situated in providing distinct approaches and tools that could be implemented in a short time frame, while lasting for much longer. That is, we combine business consultation and business training together with our rich experience in diverse business development.

Our operative prinicipals of the growth and training programs

The growth and training programs are based on acquiring both practical and valuable tools in order to develop a successful and prosperous business and organization.

The top values in the growth and training programs are:

Excellence – an important value which brings people to function beyond their ordinary abilities. Excellence creates much more than just high results. Excellence evokes the desire to see a challenge in every confrontation, while enjoying the ride. Excellence inspires organizational loyalty, creativity and thought-provoking capability.

Professionalism – achieving results through proven methods, periodically.

Gratification – harnessing the chairmen and the community members, from a place of aspiration and “fun”, to generate enthusiasm, entrepreneurship and elevated energy levels.

Collaboration – how to build a human marketing network, and how to pass it on to your community members, in order to implement common goals for all members of the organization.

Is it really possible? The answer is: Yes!

As we have proven in the recent years, several times now, when it comes to large and medium-sized companies, personal excellence and quality leadership can be crafted in relatively short time frame.

Business Coaching – addressing the human aspect, generating motivation, generating gratification and stepping out of the comfort zone.

Business Consulting – all the tools and knowledge granted by us. Many are the tools we have developed, and we are the only ones using them.

Leadership – management inspired by personal example, which combines the two main factors influencing the human functioning capability: attitude and tools. A combination of business models and rich management experience both in Israel and around the world.

For who are providing consultation?

Our programs were designed for company owners, CEOs, team leaders and junior executives to the last of the employees.

Consultation for Business owners and managers

Working with the organization’s managers will include everything listed down below together with additional content dealing with the organization moving forward relying upon vision and business goals. These include everything listed down below along with our business and management experience. We know all about the CEO’s “loneliness”, and It doesn’t have to be that way. We are able to assist by providing skills and tools which will improve and empower the business owner / CEO and help growing the whole company at the same time.

Consultation and Development of managers

Workshops, along with individual consultation processes.

Some of the main topics we will work on in our meetings:

1. Developing a personal vision – each chairman will define what a winning team is for them. Together, we’ll determine what a successful business group is, and we’ll establish a personal connection and promote motivation for each chairman to succeed. What is more important: the approach or professionalism.

2. Planning and monitoring – setting group and personal objectives, planning the necessary actions in order to achieve each of these objectives.

3. Members recruitment.

4. Marketing and Sales – How to transform a potential member to a group. How to develop in a short time frame. Identifying the needs of different members and different objectives, aside from gaining more results.

5. Networking – How to obtain influence, connections and business development. What makes a successful networking.

6. Effective team management – managers will receive tools with which their team members will feel that this is “everyone’s group”, that everyone has a role and they feel their contribution. Each manager will identify the relative advantages and disadvantages of their team members – strengthening each individual’s strengths, while resolving their disadvantages through the deputies and team members. Creating team-building.

7. And many other workshops and tools…

Complete and Comprehensive 360 organization training

A variety of professional workshops, sales, communication styles, professional and technological consultation as well as personal empowerment and coaching workshops.

Our Promises:

Generate a vibrant organization that is based on excellence founded and follows standards of professionalism and excellence..

Develop leadership and an managerial infrastructure, which are inspires other by personal example – Leadership.

Increase the managers and employees self-confidence.

Increase the levels of gratification from work and from the process.

Personal attention.

Elevating the members energy levels.

Employees commitment.

Our advantage as well as competitive edge is that our way of providing complete organization coverage successfully and take your business all the way to excellence.

A variety of both dynamic and practical solutions for the training and practicing of how to deal with challenges which arise during the process, all the way from senior management to the latest of the employees in coordination and completion with the organization’s training system.

From the top leading professional activities in Israel – joyful, practical and applicable, for optimal results.

Turn your business profitable and long lasting.

How to apply a “Winner” attitude.

How to create a successful winning streak and business stability.

To master the art of planning and execution of objectives.

Sales and Marketing.

From manager to leader, and from simple control to management.

CEOs and team training.

Team development and bonding.

Business tools and skills, such as handling resistances.

Tools for better and effective communication.

Leadership, improvement and training for optimal work processes.

Work processes consultation in global environment.

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understand and see your own

personal success?

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