A company is in a dangerous situation when it concentrates on production and neglects forward planning. This applies to business management and also to the leadership of the country
Where do you clearly see that strategic thinking and new thought patterns make the difference between success and failure? in the business world. Over the years we have seen huge companies, international powers that seemed to be here to stay, unexpectedly collapse and disappear from consciousness. Prominent examples: Motorola and Nokia – successful companies with successful devices, which were confident in their power and did not think that the market would need other devices in the future. Namely, the “Yom Kippur” syndrome of dangerous complacency.
I have the full appreciation, on the other hand, for Israeli companies that I accompany and make sure to look ahead and expand the fields of occupation and activity. For example, Xorcom, a communications company that develops advanced telephone exchanges, which recognized in time an opportunity to break into a new field, entered the world of the third and fourth age and improves the quality of life at these ages, with the help of monitoring systems that work to prevent the elderly from falling. Or Positive apps, a digital company that started developing with the Shlomo Sixt company, innovative models of collaborative cars and also the artificial intelligence company SWATHLY, led by CEO Yaron Shifman, which deals in advanced marketing solutions and has moved from a centralized work model to a work model that is net REMOTE and works with experts from all over the world.
We all want to make the right decisions and out of fear of risking and losing, many stay in the familiar area and avoid choosing an unequivocal direction. The result is explosions.
It is right to rely on models from the past to make decisions about the future, but the right lessons should be learned from the past. We must learn from history and not repeat it. At the national level, if we continue to deal with left and right, with differences between us and ego wars, we will remain at the same level.
The role of the modern leader and manager is not to know everything. The modern leader is the one who has a well-defined vision, goals he wants to reach and knows how to harness good people who complement him, and create in a world of contrasts and multiple opinions, a fruitful discourse. From these materials, you will produce growth.