The Freedom Point: A Financial Planning Guide for Business Owners

As business owners, you typically face two difficult choices: when to sell your business and at what price. Selling your business may seem far off into the future, but if exiting your business now would give you the financial resources to do whatever you want, it may be worth considering sooner than feels natural. 

This eBook offers a simple methodology you can apply to reach financial independence – what we call The Freedom Point. You may be closer to a carefree life than you think.

You'll discover

  • How to determine if you’ve passed the Freedom Point.
  • A step-by-step process for calculating your Freedom Point.
  • 3 financial options faced once you’ve reached the Freedom Point.

If you’re like most business owners, your desire for freedom is hardwired into your
psyche. You could get a job with a fancy title, a lucrative salary, and comprehensive
benefits, but the desire to call your own plays has led you to the road less traveled.
However, starting a company may not be enough to facilitate the freedom you
imagined. Just because you’re the boss, that doesn’t mean you are liberated from
demanding customers or needy employees undermining your freedom. For that level
of independence, you may need to sell your business and create a pool of cash that
can generate the kind of income you need to fund the lifestyle you aspire to have.
Selling your business may seem far off into the future, but if exiting your business
now would give you the financial resources to do whatever you want, it may be worth
considering sooner than later

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