אימון עיסקי

Set a new bAR - The online edition

THE THREE Gaurantees



In this program you will receive a toolbox and learn how to prepare an action plan. This is a  program that will certainly produce results and success in your business.

During the 21-days you will be given tools and approaches that you may have heard previously. Knowledge alone does not make a difference or promote change. 

The difference is that you will also benefit from a great deal of experience in management and in growing small, medium and large businesses. The method works in any company.

Over 50% of our customers have doubled their revenue cycle in a short period of between 3-6 months!!!


Proper planning plus the right approach yields certain successes

Getting out of our comfort zone


The only way we know to get out of the comfort zone = change in attitude + change in the way of operation

The path that leads us out of the comfort zone requires two major changes: a new attitude and a new way of operation.

The method we have developed and the tools you will receive ensures that you will keep out of the comfort zone. You will opt for dare and challenge in place of dull routine.

That’s how you will create an opportunity for a substantial breakthrough!!!

About 80-90% of the customers who participated in our workshops (even though they complained about them at the time) succeeded in leaving their comfort zone.

6 sessions once a week – about two hours
We provide a closed WhatsApp group – aimed to support, guide, brainstorm, share successes and create amazing energy.
A “boutique group” (up to 10) – which focuses on personal touch and attention to each participant. We are available to group members by both phone and email without any time limits.
You will be guided by quality facilitators with a varied and broad business experience and knowledge,  who are skilled in management and in growing businesses to break records. We have coached and delivered business workshops to over 5,000 businesses and trainees.

how the program works?


Inspiring a winning mentality and resilience.
Building an action plan and setting  challenging goals which produce success.
Creating a marketing strategy focused on  the needs of your business.
Identifying your new consumers in order to boost sales. And once we know who they are we will concentrate on improving sales conversion! 

what we expect you to take from

=Begins on 29/12/2022 (6 weekly sessions) between 17: 00-19: 00The price is 6195 including VAT !!! Yes you read that right


our performance GUARANTEES

and most important

  If attendeded all four sessions and , a plan have been submitted and implemented
 And yet to have produced what you wanted you will be eligible , No questions to full refund !!!!!
 All you have to do is send
Email up to 4 days after the end of the escort program and write – I did not produce.
And you will receive a refund within 4 days.

Why us


Senior manager for over 30 years in leading companies, coaches and accompanies businesses and individuals, and leads workshops for excellence in business. Has extensive experience in leading freelancers to successes and realizing their potential. Specializes in increasing business profitability and planning for success.

And make everything complicated simple !!!


Accelerator (accelerator for startups), group facilitator, and graduate NLP and various coacing techniques. Has extensive experience in managing huge and leading companies & projects In successful startups. With 20 years of experience in management, he has led projects, businesses and individuals to incredible successes and profits in their businesses


The only sprint program to ensure performance

either– you got what you wished

OR –if not, still, we trust you did learn something and you'll get your money back

Set a new bar - the online edition

see you on the zoom platform
STARTS 8/12/2020, 4 WEEKS, ONCE A WEEK 18:00-20:008

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